Monday, March 2, 2009

Nine Compositions for Saxophone and Electron Microscope

Whitman used "adhesiveness" to describe his ideal for the action of poetry; as well consider it an obscure but vital neurotransmitter.


An error of the capitalist model to consider poetry analogous to food; poetry is a drug, and is there for those who need it, not for all.


Is it elitist to say poetry is not for all? Is penicillin elitist because not everybody needs it? Poetry answers needs, not numbers.


The poem is a dynamic zone wherein the reader gets a glimpse of Poetry--as if a cell could be granted a swift vision of the body it inhabits.


The experience of the poem is not therapeutic; rather it is either necessary to the reader or not; indispensible if necessary, excrement if not.


To consciousness, the poem is experience; to Being, the poem is a neurotransmitter, carrying messages across the gap between cell and body.


Benign chemicals in excess are irrelevant to the body; inessential poetry is likewise sloughed off and excreted.


Deep in the structure of the body politic the poem makes its way, well below even the level of the cell, by a subtle but irrevocable osmosis.

Meanwhile there is moonlight; wave breaks against wave; horses sleep standing up in an obscure grove; and everywhere the smell of roasting meat.

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